Privacy PolicyÂ
Although www.buzzardcarservices.net has made a lot of effort to provide accurate information on the website, it makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of that information and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions therein. The User access this website at his or her own risk. The website is made available on an “AS IS, AS AVAILABLE” basis without warranty of any kind and any and all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement are specifically disclaimed. Neither www.buzzardcarservices.net nor its affiliates, employees, agents or third party content providers shall be liable for any loss resulting from use or unavailability of information or content on this website, including but not limited to any lost profits, loss or damage to data, or any direct, indirect, special, consequential, compensatory, or incidental damages, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages. This disclaimer is applicable to any damages injury resulting from negligence or omission of www.myzdegree.com, virus, malware or other similar item, telecommunication errors, or unauthorized access to use of user information through theft or any other means. www.buzzardcarservices.net is not liable for criminal, tortious, or negligent actions or omissions of third parties that affect this website. In no event will www.buzzardcarservices.net or any of its affiliates, agents, employees, assigns or third party content providers will be held liable for any tortious or illegal conduct of other users. In no event will www.buzzardcarservices.net or any of its affiliates, agents, employees, or assigns be held liable for any damage to equipment, hardware or other property to user or personal injury that arises in connection.
The successful operation of this website depends on the input of information by you. The service provided by us depends on the accuracy of such inputted information. We can therefore accept no responsibility for, nor any liability in respect of, the input of inaccurate information to this website by you.
Should you find any inaccurate information or have any complaint about what we have published on this website please Contact us immediately.
Main Services:
We and all other web publishers have no control over the Internet, which is a global public network of computers and the method by which you access this website. As a consequence and in common with most web publishers we take no responsibility for service interruption or the transmission of viruses or other malicious computer code through this website.
So far as lawfully possible, we exclude all liability to you in contract. We also exclude liability for any consequential or indirect loss which may be caused to you by us. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall, or shall be construed as purporting to, exclude or restrict liability in respect of death or personal injury for breach of duty arising in the course of business or from the occupation of business premises.
You must seek our permission before providing a link to our website. Contact us with details of the URL which you wish to link to this website and the URL of the page on which you will be displaying the link. We do not permit the display of any web pages which form part of this website in any html frame unless we have expressly authorized in writing.
For the purposes of these terms and conditions the expression “Website Information” means the images, graphics, text, applets and scripts operating, operating in, or which form part of, this website. All intellectual property rights in the Website Information are owned solely by www.buzzardcarservices.net. You may view Website Information in a web browser for private browsing purposes only. Copying Website Information into a computer cache for private on or off-line browsing purposes is permitted. However, you may not make a copy of the Website Information or any part of it for any other purpose without our prior written consent, which may or may not be granted at our sole discretion. Nothing in these terms and conditions or on this website constitutes a license to use or copy the Website Information. We may publish on this website images or text in which the copyright is not owned by us or which is not owned completely by us. Where this is done, and where practicable, we acknowledge the copyright owner.
Our Country of domicile is the United Arab Emirates and law of the UAE shall govern any interpretation of these terms and conditions.